Tentative Agenda for inSIG 2024

Day 1, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Start Time End Time Duration Session # Session Topic
8:00 8:30 0:15   Registration and Networking
8:30 9:30 1:00 M1 Inaugural Session
9:30 10:15 0:45   Tea break & Photo session
10:15 11:00 0:45 M2 Evolving Nature of the Internet and its Governance
11:00 11:45 0:45 M3 History and Evolution of the Internet: Global and Indian Perspectives
11:45 12:45 1:00 P1 Introduction to the IG Ecosystem: ICANN, IETF,
12:45 13:45 1:00   Lunch break
13:45 15:15 1:30 R1 IP Go Game
15:15 15:45 0:30   Tea Break
15:45 16:45 1:00 P2 Enhancing Multistakeholderism for Future Governance of the Internet
16:30 17:00 0:30 A1 Drafting Workshop Proposal
17:00 18:30 1:30 A2 Flash talks
18:30       End of Day 1
20:00       Dinner
Day 2, Wednesday 3 Oct 2024
Start Time End Time Duration Session # Session Type
9:00 10:00 1:00 P3 Addressing the Digital divide: Access, Inclusion, building Security &Trust
10:00 11:00 1:00 P4 Digital Economy- Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities
11:00 11:30 0:30   Tea Break
11:30 13:00 1:30 P5 Key Regulatory Issues being discussed in India
13:00 14:00 1:00   Lunch Break
14:00 15:30 1:30 R2 Cybersecurity Roleplay
15:30 16:00 0:30   Tea Break
16:00 17:30 1:30 A3 Governance of AI & Emerging Tech
17:30 18:30 1:00 P6 India’s Cybersecurity Requirements
18:30       End of Day2
        Socials and Dinner
Day 3, Thursday 3 Oct 2024
Start Time End Time Duration Session # Session Type
9:00 10:00 1:00 P7 Internet Standards and RFCs: Processes and the Present Status
10:00 11:00 1:00 A4 Presentation on Proposals
11:00 11:30 0:30   Tea Break
11:30 12:45 1:15 R3 Privacy Policy: Role Play
12:45 13:45 1:00   Lunch Break
13:45 14:45 1:00 P7 What next :Participation in IG Ecosystem
14:45 15:15 0:30 M5 Reflections from Participants
15:15 16:15 1:00 M6 Closing Session
16:15       Tea break and Close of inSIG2024